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Embrace Your Power Workshop

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Does this sound like you?

 You often feel physically and/or emotionally drained.
You find yourself becoming quick to anger, followed by feelings of guilt.
 You've noticed a loss of motivation for activities that once brought you joy.
You struggle to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships.
Your feel overwhelmed by the demands of daily life and work.
You're seeking practical strategies to enhance your emotional intelligence and self-worth.
You recognize the importance of reclaiming control of your life and living in abundance.
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What if I told you there was a better way?

You could practice self-compassion, learn to be kind to yourself and acknowledge your humanity & worth
You could develop action plans towards goals and commit to consistent progress.
Practice mindfulness and cultivate present awareness, respond to challenges with clarity and calm.
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Embrace Your Power

Reclaim control of your life &
cultivate a mindset of abundance

Embrace Your Power is a workshop designed to help you reclaim control of your life and cultivate a mindset of abundance and self-worth. In this workshop, we'll dive into practical strategies for overcoming overwhelm, cultivating emotional intelligence, and establishing healthy boundaries. Together, we'll navigate the path towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. Stay tuned for more details on this empowering event!

In this workshop, I’ll be covering EI Four Core Skills, the self coaching model and some “The Oz Principles” principles of above the line and below the line.  


Here's what's covered in the Workshop

Reclaim control of your life

Cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Cultivate a mindset of adundance and self-worth

Establish Healthy Boundaries

Strategies for overcoming overwhelm

Navigate the path towards a more balanced life.

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Write your awesome label here.
Join us April 24th at 7:00pm EST

Embrace Your Power

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Hi there, 
I'm Caroline!

A former HR corporate executive, turned wellness and legacy enthusiast. I've been in your shoes! Working long hours, never really shutting down from work, and yet feeling like I wanted to do so much more to make a significant impact on the people whose lives I touched.

I feel that we are each on our own journey, and the one size fits all training doesn't always work as we are all in a different place. I wanted to take my knowledge and experience and share it with others, making them feel supported and courageous in their role.

I have great passion for teaching at all levels and love working with businesses that need leadership development. I looks forward to sharing my love of building meaningful and effective tactics with you.
Write your awesome label here.


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